So this week was full of funny moments. There was one night where Sister Frost freaked out because there was a large
spider in our room. So Sister Jackson and I rushed in. Immediately, Sister
Jackson starts screaming and crouches in a ball in her bed. I, being the brave
one, killed the spider (and only threw one thing at Sister Jackson to quiet her).
The best part is that it is all on camera. (In hind sight, it was really not
that funny.....but it was hilarious in the moment. Maybe it's because it's so
hot… we come home sweaty and mostly delusional...and at that point EVERYTHING
seems funny)
was one day that we were packing up to go out and Sister Jackson told me that
if I were any other race I would probably be from a country in South America,
Spain probably. We laughed for a good little while. And now we are working on
our Geography in Companionship study.
Brianda came to a lesson with us to teach la familia Lara. She was so excited
to bear her testimony. She cried and the spirit just filled the room. She was
beaming. She couldn't hold in her excitement!!!!
also had a lesson with one of my favorite Less Active members. Cassy! She is
SOOO awesome! We talked about Eternal families. She confided in us and told us
how unworthy she felt to wear her garments and come back to church. We got to
share some scriptures about how god doesn't expect us to pay anything back to
him for the years, months, or days we have gone astray. He loves us so much
that he just asks us to start today. Just like if you haven't been paying your
tithing, he doesn't ask you to pay the money for the times you missed, he just
asks you to start paying your tithing now. It's SO much more than money! It's
SO much more than paying him back!!!!!! He wants us! That's it! With all of our
imperfections! She started to cry softly. They committed to come to church.
When she came to church on Sunday 1) she was
wearing her garments and 2) the Primary president came up to us and said,
"I don't know what you are doing with Cassy, but keep doing it, because it's
working." Cassy's husband is not a member, so we are hoping to
start working with him.
Lesson Moment:
week we taught our favorite investigator family, la familia Corona. THEY ARE SO
AWESOME! The Hermana has 6 or 7 kids...I don't remember exactly. When we came
to their house they were all ready, all 6 kids! Sitting there.... WOW! We
taught them the restoration and it was awesome! The Hermana said that she was
willing to keep her mind open. So we will see where that goes! She told us that
she has seen a difference in how her kids act when we come over. The spirit is
Interesting Moment:
I have neglected to fill you in. A couple weeks ago we got a referral for a
woman at the Patton State Mental Hospital. The first week we went over and had
to get background checks.... the next time we went over we taught a lesson
through the telephone and glass (YES THE KIND YOU SEE IN MOVIES ONLY....except
I EXPERIENCED THIS ONE IN REAL LIFE!!!!!!!!). This last time, we taught her the
Restoration and we actually got to have a 'contact visit' (That's prison vocab
friends...yes I am already up to date with all of the words!!!!!!!). It was a
really interesting lesson, and experience. I will keep you updated!
that's it for this week folks! I love you all! Have a great week! Keep living
the Gospel, smile and wave at someone today!
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