Monday, June 29, 2015

Justice Campbell's Baptism

Dear family and friends.....

Hermana's Wright y Ipson
This week I will keep it a little shorter.... We have to cut PDAY short because we are going to the Temple this week!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!  I am so excited; it will be such a great time for spiritual rejuvenation! 

We focused a lot on getting Justus ready for baptism. It was a lot of work....but very rewarding. We actually had to change the date last minute, so the baptism was yesterday. Justus is such an awesome person!!!! I cannot get over it! 

Favorite Lesson Moment

We also had a lesson with Gladys (esposa de Francisco...aka my favorite EVER....he is one of the few here I have felt I knew before I met them). She is the lady whose children are all members. She is Cuban and has been taught the lessons for a LONG time. We had already taught the Restoration to her, but we really wanted to provide her with a powerful spiritual experience. We decided to watch the Restoration with her, and we also brought Hermana Rodill to come with us. During the movie I was praying so hard to know what to help her feel the spirit. It ended so well. She said she knows that Joseph Smith was a prophet (it's the other part about how baptism must be by proper authority....that's the problem). She really liked the movie, and I felt the spirit so strong when we testified of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. We went in planning to talk more about the Book of Mormon, but we really felt inspired to talk about the Holy Ghost. After doesn't matter what we say, the ONLY way she will know its true is through the Holy Ghost. It was a powerful lesson!!!!!!!

Spiritual Moment:
Today, actually, I studied Charity. I learned that Charity...just like Faith and every other Christ like attribute, has to "be exercised to grow" (Robert J Whetten). How do we exercise and grow our charity...... service, and like Moroni says " pray with all the energy of heart, that you may be filled with this love." (Moroni 7:48). Also I learned that from faith, hope, and CHARITY flows a fountain of righteousness. So in other words, when we focus on having these 3 Christ-like attributes, then everything else will fall into place. 1 Peter 4:8 (JST) says "For charity preventeth a multitude of sins."

My biggest goal for my whole entire mission, is to come back and have become more like possess at least some of his attributes, but most especially Charity. 

Special Moment:
Kimmy Ruiz & Justice Campbell
Justus' Baptism was yesterday at 6pm. We were a little stressed because Hermano Ruiz (who was the one baptizing him) didn't show up until 6:15 !!! Holy smokes!!! But the most important part was that he got baptized (even though the font may have started draining during the talks) It was so awesome!!!! I may have almost cried when he came up to us afterwards and sincerely thanked us for our help!  

Final thought folks..... "Two men up in heaven were waiting to come down to earth. They FINALLY had their interview before coming down, where God would tell them what their life would be like. The first man went in and came out smiling, and indescribably happy. The second man asked why. And he said, It's because I will be born into a family that lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and obeys the commandments of God. The second man had his interview, and left crying. He told the other that his family would be one that didn't value Jesus Christ and his gospel, his parents would be divorced, and wouldn't keep the commandments. The first man said, its ok, while we are down on Earth, I will search for you, find you, and bring you to the gospel." 

Find the people you promised to help on this Earth!!! "Now is the moment in the timetable of the Lord to carry the gospel farther than it has ever been carried before....many a person in this world is crying, knowingly, and unknowingly, 'Come over...and help us'. He might be your neighbor. She might be your friend. He might be a relative. She might be someone you met only yesterday. But we have what they need. Let us take new courage form our studies and pray, ads did Peter, 'and now, lord,... grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak they work'.-- Spencer W. Kimball 
Love you all!!!! Thank you for your support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Fong's new puppy!!!


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