Friday, July 24, 2015

Last Week in Rialto 4th

Well it's the end of another transfer!
...And I would say a pretty good one. It has been a roller coaster kind of week. First....big news on transfers. I am going to San Jacinto to be companions with Hermana Clarke. I replaced Hermana Clarke here in Rialto 4th after her first transfer of being trained. She is so awesome and I am ready to get to work. 

July Temple Trip ... H. Ipson & H. Wright
As we have really gotten to work in this area, I have realized that these great people here have my heart! It has really been tough coming to grips with the fact that I am moving. Hopefully in the coming week you will be able to finally put names with the faces of these great people. I really think so highly of these people!!!!! I am so grateful to have had the chance to meet them, work along side them, and help them come closer to Jesus Christ. 

This week we finally got a baptismal date for Hermana Fong...arguably one of the coolest people. We did everything we could to plan out the week to get her to come to church.....and she did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so so so so awesome! They walked in and I was SO shocked! I think we planned so much on how to get there....that we didn't know how to handle it when she did come. She brought her husband and we had Hermana Larios walk them to their first class. But, I wanted someone to sit with them, so we brought in the Felix family....who "by chance" have a mutual friend back in Mexico or something.

Walking from an investigators home.
I have to make a confession that I wasn't really listening during Sacrament Meeting because I was too busy planning who would sit by them in their classes. As soon as the Felix's walked in I KNEW they were the ones. They are coming with us to a lesson tonight at the Fongs!!!!!! They stayed and chatted together a little after church! LOVE THESE PEOPLE! Hermano Fong may have tried to hug me....but he is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool! He literally gets along with everyone at church! And every time he would answer a question in gospel Principles he would look over at us at the end! It was so cute! And watching them try to sing out of Hymn books for the first time was even cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

As we are talking about awesome people though...something MUST be said about Daisy! She is literally the most down to earth, sincere person I have ever met!!! She is a miracle mom and still does a great job of trying to meet with us!!!! If everything goes as planned I will get to come back to this great place for lots of baptisms!!!!!!! 

Also....Peter (or Pedro) the grandson of Josephina (Investigator) was visiting his grandma this week. When he opened the door, I believe I Iiterally said, "I have never met you before....what's your name." Maybe not the best first line....but hey....just being me. He is a young teenager and was actually REALLY interested in learning. We came over another day and taught the Restoration to him...and JJ again. We watched the 1st vision and JJ said (in a hushed tone) 'AMAZING'....SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we explained authority really thoroughly and he told us that he had been baptized 3 different times but NOW he understands why it's so important to have authority. He said 'yes' to being baptized.....but he lives in Ontario. So we will refer him over to the other mission. 
Celebrating with a frozen hot chocolate...delicious!
Well folks! My next letter (sadly and excitingly) will be in the desert....don't worry....for all of you keeping up on "the shades of my skin" moments.....I will take a before and after picture. Sister Shin (roommate and Sister Training Leader), said she got brown by the end of the first week. WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!! But don't worry I will put sunscreen on as well! 

I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great week!!!!!
H Wright

Yes...that is a lemon. And I am laughing because Sister Ipson was being attacked by a small, green, shiny, flying beetle.

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