Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Happy Mother's Day...

May 11, 2015
It was a beautiful (and rainy) week in Rialto and . . . it was Mother's Day!!!! Woohoo!

Favorite Lesson Moment:

Remember Christian, Raymond, Luca, Angel, and Poochie? We had one of my favorite lessons of all time with Christian. We were outside talking to him and we asked if we could have a lesson with him. We sat on the curb and talked about Jesus Christ (he is REALLY Catholic.....). We were talking about how Jesus Christ can help us whenever we need him. I asked him if he had ever felt really alone in his life. He said, yeah.  I shared with him a story of when I first moved to Utah. About how that first day of school was the hardest....walking down the halls and not seeing ANY familiar faces. I was so scared and sad....I kept thinking I don't have ANY friends. But, I remembered that I had Jesus Christ.....he is Always my friend. HE, more than anyone else, knows exactly what it feels like to be lonely. He had friends that REJECTED him....He knew exactly how I felt.....and He was with me. Christian told us that his family was going to move next year....and he was a little sad about it. It was a really cool lesson. He was pondering really hard.......it was AWESOME! 


Calling home on Mother's Day.
Mothers Day Moment:

Well, I have just about the COOLEST mother in the world....and in my personal study this week I found a really good talk on parenthood.

 "The responsibility to watch over God's children is a heavy one. Whenever I feel inadequate as a parent, I remind myself of something Elder Neal A Maxwell said . . ."The same God that placed that star in a precise orbit millennia before it appeared over Bethlehem in celebration of the birth of the Babe has given at least equal attention to the placement of each of us in precise human orbits so that we may, if we will, illuminate the landscape of our individual lives, so that our light may not only lead others but warm them as well."

 This statement uplifts me when I am discouraged. It gives my wife and me courage in our abilities as parents, knowing that our children have been placed within our 'orbit' for a reason and that Heavenly Father trusts us."

So....for all you mothers out there that feel inadequate, and feel like your kids deserve a better mom. GOD has placed you where you are for a reason. If he can arrange the planets to all receive the light they need...he can arrange us in a way that we will learn what we need to!!!!!    Keep up the good work!!!!!

Have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hermana Wright

Washing Joseph Uribe's Dog
Hermana Jimenez
Just had to take this picture...

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