Familia y Amigos!
things first....thank you for all of your support! I feel such a great spirit
every day and I think you guys have a lot to do with that. Second things next..... I leave the CCM on this upcoming Tuesday,
but I will have the opportunity to email on Monday since it will be a whole week until my next PDay. So make sure if you want to
contact me before I leave to do so before Monday...I
usually read emails in the morning and reply in the early afternoon.....so if
you send an email anytime during the day I will probably get it!
for this week (Sorry they are short):
Language Moment/Funniest
Bess and Hermana Buttars were teaching me this week as my Investigator profile....they
taught me a great lesson about Prophets and Jesus Christ. However, Hermana Bess
mixed up the words matar and murir (to kill and to die). In the process of telling me about how the Great Apostasy came about, she told me the
Jesus Christ killed his apostles :) We laughed pretty hard!
We were all soaked from the rainstorm. |
Most Exciting:
most exciting moment happened yesterday when we had the COOLEST rainstorm...and
I mean storm. We were eating in the Comedor and it started to POUR! People on
sitting close to the edges of the Pavilion had to scoot in because the rain was
hitting the roofs of the nearby buildings and ricocheting (No sé on the spelling)
on to everyone. We tried to capture the moment......but alas the pictures are
not worth 1000 palabras...only about cinco.
Most Spiritual:
our district meetings we talk a lot about Faith and how important it is. We
talked about how the analogy in Ether that talks about how faith is an anchor
to the souls of men. I had a really cool thought...that if faith is our anchor
then the rock that we should throw our anchor into is Jesus Christ...who is the
Rock of our Salvation. As far as boats are concerned....the anchor in no way
stops the storms that occur around the boat...and sometimes it seems like the
anchor may be what is causing the boat to bend and break and turn
unexpectedly....but as soon as we sever that line between us and HIM things get
infinitely harder. We need to anchor ourselves to him, the storms will always
come. I feel like people often mistake anchoring ourselves in Christ as meaning
that hard times and storms won't affect us....FALSE! They do!!!!!! But it's
through him that we can have ESPERANZA (hope) that in the morning the storm
will have passed and we will still be safe!
week in a nut shell....a super-d-duper small nutshell....mainly because I
remember little. Hence the title....
Monday-- Realized it was Marzo
already....and freaked out inside. Made some great goals to help myself be
happier and more confident. Metas (goals) work people!!!!! We had a GREAT
lesson with Paulina....can't remember if I already told about it. But, we were
trying to get her to commit to baptism and after being rejected a couple of
times we 'put our foot down'....figuratively of course. She confided in us that
her family wasn't happy with her decision to meet with us, and they would not
want her to be baptized. We read with her 1 Nephi:2 and talked about the
story of Lehi and his family needing to flee from Jerusalem. Most of the family
was on board except for Laman and Lemuel....but, at the end of the chapter and
in chapter 3 it talks about that through their sacrifices God prepares a way.
We told her that we knew it was a hard decision to make...just like Lehi and
Nephi felt when they chose to follow God's will.....but that God would provide
a way for her to maintain good relations with her family as well as follow Gods
will and be baptized.
Tuesday-- I am still not sure if I
actually lived this day.....my journal entry is quite vague. Sorry mom :)
LIRA!!!!!! She is by far the coolest teacher here and probably anywhere!
Hermana Bess and Hermana Buttars shared a cool scripture with me in our lesson
with me as an investigator..... It is so cool that through the Holy Ghost, God
answers our prayers-- even when we are pretending to be an Investigator. It was a
cool experience!
Thursday-- We taught Miranda (Hermana
Buttars) and it went really well. We talked about having a desire to learn more
about the Gospel and Christ. Hermana Buttars gave me some really helpful positive
feedback which I really needed. Then we taught Hermano Trejo and he also gave
me some really awesome feedback!
Friday---Played soccer during gym
time and it was lots of fun....man am I out of shape. They have cage soccer here
which is super fun, but also super tiring. Had a cool thought that I put in my
journal.....Whenever I think about the length of my mission and how it seems so
long, I remember Christ-- and his 33 year long earthly mission. How long did His
mission feel especially while he hung on the cross....or the night before when
he took upon him every sadness and guilt....or the day of His crucifixion when
the whole day the crowds mocked and scorned and disrespected him. This man gave
His life for me....for you....and for all of us! For this I owe him EVERYTHING!
Everything I am, everything I have, and every minute I live.
It's always a good
reminder that this church is not centered around Thomas S Monson, or the Book
of Mormon, or Joseph Smith. All of these are crucial but NOT CENTRAL! Only HE
is central! When we center ourselves around Christ it doesn't matter what the
world is doing, or if a parent or friend leaves the church, or if someone
offends you in your ward.....CENTER YOURSELF AROUND CHRIST! Learn of Him and
gain a testimony of his Infinite Atonement....that is what this church is
about! How can anyone say we aren't Christian when that is what we teach
people! PLEASE do not take for granted the gift He has given us. He has given
us the opportunity to strive to be better! Without him this life wouldn't be
about becoming....He asks us to try our hardest! In Brad Wilcox's ´His
Grace Is Sufficient´ he gives the analogy about a mother paying for piano
lessons. When the child practices, it doesn't pay the mom back.....the
practicing is the way the child shows appreciation for the opportunity to learn
to play the piano. The same is true with the Atonement.....there is no way we
can pay Him back....but when we strive to do our best we show our appreciation
for the price he payed. PLEASE use the Atonement!!!! Please center your life around
Christ!!!! Hard times are coming....and we need all the anchoring we can
Saturday / Sunday----Another one of those
Monday--We had our pictures
taken for the goodbye video.....kind of a mixed feeling day. Hermana Jackson
had a migraine so I got to nap and catch up on my reading! Hermana Collette
(Michelle) & I took pictures together since she left early this
morning....and only 30 minutes later a huge storm hit us! IT WAS
you so much for your prayers!!!! I love you all, and I LOVE hearing about your
lives! We all need your prayers here! I hope you all have a great week!
P.S. Shout
out to my CUTE nieces and nephews that I LOVE!!!!! I hope you guys will do your
best to study the scriptures every day!!! And because missionary work is all
about invitations....I invite you all to read the Book of Mormon (if you can)
by yourself every day! And do your best to finish it by the time I get
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